Business Development: Organizing, Branding, Creation, Marketing & Booking

Xavier Collin


Manager and Co-Manager of Serveral Publishing Companies

Xavier Collin aka "Bill" now compiles several years in the music industry by taking on different roles around artists, without being a personal artist. Xavier Collin has managed to evolve wtpl_music, a single-artist structure of The Barking Dogs, towards a tool based on publishing, deploying its action successfully on real encounters, real talents.


He was part of the part of a webinar of Module 2.1 - Legal And Organizational Challenges As Entrepreneur In The Greater Region

He informed our participants about all legal and organizational challenges as a freelancer in GER, BE, GR, LUX. Xavier especially highlighted the most important obstacles.


Zuline Martin-Mességué (BE/FR)


Jeremy Dunne (FR)